Blowplast was recently assessed and certified for meeting the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 for Environment Management, and the company continues to establish and enhance the system by protecting the environment and mitigating the impact the organization services can pose. Achieving ISO 14001:2015 certification shows that we are managing our environmental obligations in a systematic manner that contributes to the environmental aspect of sustainability.
Environmental stewardship is one of our main priorities in the management of our manufacturing facilities, and Blowplast adheres to a recognized standard – ISO 14001 – for a holistic approach to environmental policy, strategies, and initiatives.
The organization’s success in the completed journey of EMS certification is attributed to the executive management of Blowplast Limited which offered constant support. The Environment Management System standard is made to fully achieve the organization’s targets as far as environment prevention and protection are concerned and in support of the global quest of going green.
The attainment of ISO 14001:2015 makes it more reputable for the organization in helping address its regulatory requirements and reducing the risk of non-conformances, improve its health and safety to all its stakeholders and lastly help in waste reduction.
We continue to improve upon our ISO Environment Management system which is integrated into every aspect of our business. It works to protect and preserve the planet for generations to come. This certification proves and supports our dedication and commitment to environment management.
Written by
Angela Kaberia
Marketing Manager