HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene) and PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) are common plastic materials that offer unique benefits for specific needs. In a ‘which one should I pick situation’, it is important understand the characteristics of both plastics. With this knowledge, making an informed decision is guaranteed.
PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate)
PET is a flexible and sophisticated plastic known as Polyethylene Terephthalate though sometimes referred to as Polyester. PET is widely known for its distinctive characteristics.
Visual Appeal
PET has a glass-like appearance and can withstand temperatures of up to145ºF. Its appearance makes it more suitable for packaging products whose visibility is essential for a brand. Such products may include beverages, hair food and pharmaceuticals among others.
Strength and Barrier Properties
PET has structural sturdiness as a result of its density. This allows safer transportation of products especially ones that need to maintain their freshness and shape over time. A good example is carbonated drinks. PET is also famous for its strong barrier against moisture and oxygen. Its extended shelf-life quality makes it ideal for perishable goods.
Lightweight design and Recyclability
PET is environmentally friendly as it can be recycled into rPET (recycled PET) for a number of other uses, more bottles included. Another amazing feature that comes with PET plastics is their light design despite their durability and strength. They are convenient for large-scale packaging needs as well as cost-effective.
HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene)
HDPE is a versatile plastic material made from petroleum and is grouped as a thermoplastic polymer.
Opaque appearance and Impact resistance
HDPE is opaque or white in color with a smooth surface. For products that do not need visibility as their selling point, HDPE is the plastic to use. Such products may include milk and detergents among others. HDPE can also withstand rough handling as a result of its impact resistance feature.
Recyclability and Moisture Barrier Properties
While HDPE may lack gas resistance properties, it blocks away moisture making it suitable for packaging products that require protection from humidity. HDPE keeps them safe from contamination. Like PET, this particular plastic is highly recyclable and can be repurposed into other useful products. Not to mention its low cost of production that makes it a more cost-effective plastic packaging solution
HDPE and PET are both good plastic packaging materials and it all comes to what you need for your enterprise.
At Blowplast Kenya, we understand that different products have different packaging needs. We have personnel with years of experience that can guide you towards the most appropriate plastic packaging solution.
Call us at +254 722 438 477 / +254 733 438 477 or email admin@blowplastkenya.com and let’s talk packaging solutions.
Written By,
Ivy Chepkemoi,
Marketing Manager.